Make your messaging comfortable with the new functional and intuitive SpamHound app!
Chatting is an essential part of our everyday life so it should be fast, convenient and secure. With SpamHound as your default messenger, you can receive all of those and even more!
Send text messages, manage your conversations, share multimedia content. Furthermore, get the incredible advantage using intelligent spam blocking option to stop receiving an advertisement, spam and unwanted messages on your device.
Be in touch and manage your incoming SMS and MMS in an easy way!
- send, receive and archive SMS messages
- use flags and labels
- share photos, videos and more
- block SMS spam in the Blacklist
- prevent blocking in the Whitelist
- no internet connection required
- unlimited quantity of filters
Blacklist and Whitelist
Using SpamHound as your default messaging app you have reliable protection from undesired incoming content. Create spam filtering rules in Blacklist to block messages from certain senders or those, that contain specific words, phrases or digits. All messages that fly under the Blacklist rules are stored in the Spam tab.
Prevent blocking of important content in Whitelist, which prioritizes the messages that comply with its rules so that they don’t get filtered out. You will never lose precious mail as all SMS from the Whitelist displayed in your inbox.
Spam filtering
For more fine-tuning filtering of your rules, you can apply Contains, Starts with, Ends with, Equals modes to the sender, and body of messages. Extended options as regular expressions and wildcard are also available to use.
Check the statistics of rules worked and messages filtered by week, month and year. As well, besides creating rules manually, activate predefined rules in the Settings tab to block SMS from short numbers and those that contain links.
Buat olahpesan Anda nyaman dengan aplikasi SpamHound fungsional dan intuitif baru!
Mengobrol adalah bagian penting dari kehidupan kita sehari-hari sehingga harus cepat, nyaman, dan aman. Dengan SpamHound sebagai messenger default Anda, Anda dapat menerima semua itu dan bahkan lebih banyak lagi!
Kirim pesan teks, kelola percakapan Anda, bagikan konten multimedia. Selain itu, dapatkan keuntungan luar biasa menggunakan opsi pemblokiran spam cerdas untuk berhenti menerima iklan, spam, dan pesan yang tidak diinginkan di perangkat Anda.
Tetap terhubung dan kelola SMS dan MMS yang masuk dengan mudah!
- mengirim, menerima, dan mengarsipkan pesan SMS
- gunakan bendera dan label
- Bagikan foto, video, dan lainnya
- Blokir SMS spam di Blacklist
- mencegah pemblokiran dalam Daftar Putih
- tidak perlu koneksi internet
- jumlah filter yang tidak terbatas
Daftar Hitam dan Daftar Putih
Menggunakan SpamHound sebagai aplikasi pesan default Anda, Anda memiliki perlindungan yang dapat diandalkan dari konten masuk yang tidak diinginkan. Buat aturan penyaringan spam di Daftar Hitam untuk memblokir pesan dari pengirim tertentu atau yang mengandung kata, frasa, atau angka tertentu. Semua pesan yang terbang di bawah aturan Daftar Hitam disimpan di tab Spam.
Cegah pemblokiran konten penting dalam Daftar Putih, yang memprioritaskan pesan yang mematuhi aturannya sehingga tidak disaring. Anda tidak akan pernah kehilangan surat berharga karena semua SMS dari Daftar Putih ditampilkan di kotak masuk Anda.
Penyaringan spam
Untuk pemfilteran penyaringan aturan Anda yang lebih baik, Anda dapat menerapkan mode Berisi, Mulai dengan, Berakhir dengan, Setara dengan pengirim, dan isi pesan. Pilihan yang diperluas seperti ekspresi reguler dan wildcard juga tersedia untuk digunakan.
Periksa statistik aturan yang berfungsi dan pesan yang disaring berdasarkan minggu, bulan, dan tahun. Selain itu, selain membuat aturan secara manual, aktifkan aturan yang telah ditentukan di tab Pengaturan untuk memblokir SMS dari nomor pendek dan yang berisi tautan.
Make your messaging comfortable with the new functional and intuitive SpamHound app!
Chatting is an essential part of our everyday life so it should be fast, convenient and secure. With SpamHound as your default messenger, you can receive all of those and even more!
Send text messages, manage your conversations, share multimedia content. Furthermore, get the incredible advantage using intelligent spam blocking option to stop receiving an advertisement, spam and unwanted messages on your device.
Be in touch and manage your incoming SMS and MMS in an easy way!
- send, receive and archive SMS messages
- use flags and labels
- share photos, videos and more
- block SMS spam in the Blacklist
- prevent blocking in the Whitelist
- no internet connection required
- unlimited quantity of filters
Blacklist and Whitelist
Using SpamHound as your default messaging app you have reliable protection from undesired incoming content. Create spam filtering rules in Blacklist to block messages from certain senders or those, that contain specific words, phrases or digits. All messages that fly under the Blacklist rules are stored in the Spam tab.
Prevent blocking of important content in Whitelist, which prioritizes the messages that comply with its rules so that they don’t get filtered out. You will never lose precious mail as all SMS from the Whitelist displayed in your inbox.
Spam filtering
For more fine-tuning filtering of your rules, you can apply Contains, Starts with, Ends with, Equals modes to the sender, and body of messages. Extended options as regular expressions and wildcard are also available to use.
Check the statistics of rules worked and messages filtered by week, month and year. As well, besides creating rules manually, activate predefined rules in the Settings tab to block SMS from short numbers and those that contain links.